HoldTight 102 Rust Prevention


Holdtight 102 is an additive that prevents FLASH RUSTING on iron or steel. When iron or steel surfaces have been dry blasted, a simple pressure wash with Holdtight 102 is all that is necessary to reduce salts and contaminants to an undetectable levels. These salts and contaminants are the direct cause of flash rusting.

HoldTight 102 is both a surfactant (it makes water wetter) and a rust inhibitor. It will give you a 2 to 5 day window between pressure washing and coating.

Holdtight 102 is applied through a pressure washer at a min. pressure of 500 psi. (Preferably 1500 psi or greater) at one to three gallons per minute. One Gal of Holdtight 102 mixed in a 5 gal container ( 4 to 1) and metered through a pressure washer at 12 to 1 (Industry Standard) will obtain a 60 to 1 mixture which is totally acceptable. A 50 to 1 ratio is ideal, but a minimum ratio of 40 to 1 and a maximum ratio of 70 to 1 are acceptable in the event that there are inconsistencies in the metering valve of your pressure washer. HoldTight 102 must be applied at pressure. If your pressure washer only has a low-pressure injector, an upstream injector can be placed between the hose supply and inlet on the pump. NuTech has these injectors available for purchase or you can purchase them from Northern Tool (Part Number 228801) 1-800-221-0516 or Pressure Parts.com (Part Number 360155) 1-800-999-2245. This injector is manufactured by Suttner and its Product Number is ST-64 and operates at 1.5 to 4 gpm.

If you have a pressure washer that has a tank supply, simply mix 1 gallon HoldTight 102 to 50 gallons of potable water and pressure wash according to instructions.

  • HoldTight 102 reduces the surface tension of water so that it cleans better.
  • HoldTight 102 super drys a substrate, very fast—it entirely volatilizes itself and takes with it virtually all the moisture left on the surface by the blasting operation. Any water puddles and cavities that hold water needs to be blown off with DRY compressed air.
  • HoldTight 102 is NOT a protective coating.
  • Holdtight 102 does not interfere with coating performance, as 10 years of field experience and tests by most major coating suppliers have demonstrated. New York City DOT is one of the major testing organizations.
  • HoldTight 102 is approved by most major coating suppliers. (See Coating Compatibility Chart)
  • HoldTight 102 is Water Soluble, Non-Hazardous, Biodegradable, Phosphate free, Non-Flammable, Leaves no Residue. Product chemistry of Holdtight 102 has been approved by the FDA for food grade service.

NuTech Refinishing, Inc. is a authorized distributor for HoldTight 102 in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee.

You can check this product out at HoldTight 102 or call 800-319-8802.

Residue Removal Instructions
